Col Brewer sent in a few pictures from the 2003 Memorial Day Ceremony in Arab, Alabama and I asked if he would also send some of the text from his speech.







This event was the Memorial Day ceremony in Arab, Alabama, a nearby town. I also spoke at the County Veteran's Day ceremony in Guntersville, Alabama, and at the school where Jean and I graduated high school. There are no photos of the later two events.

Here are a few quotes from my Memorial Day comments.

"We must continue to remember these men who paid the ultimate price, and their families, that we still can wake up each day and enjoy the freedoms we have."

"Each of these individuals had hopes, goals and people they loved and whom loved them. But they each and every one answered the call to duty when our country needed them. I can assure you they didn’t go away to give their life for the cause, but I know each of them knew that was a possibility, and they accepted that. Where do we get such men?"

"Many Americans have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. The traditions are simple. Visit the graves of service members who gave their lives in the service of our country. Place a few flowers there, or maybe a small American flag. Fly the American flag at half staff until noon. Then drag out that barbeque grill and have a wonderful day with your family, enjoying the day in the secure knowledge that we have thousands of young men and women who have answered, and continue to answer, our nation’s call when we need them, so that we have the freedom we enjoy every day."

"So here today we take this time to remember and honor those who have given their lives in defense of this country. I want you to know that I personally appreciate your taking the time to stop and remember. By your presence here today you are saying that you DO remember, and are grateful. I thank you for that. May God Bless each of you, God Bless each of our fallen comrades, God Bless the leaders of our country, and God Bless America!"

Thanks Col Brewer for the pictures and comments.


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