The words from this 435APS calendar sum up why we have this reunion site.
Sad News to pass along ...Obituary for Col. Donald Ray Brewer (Ret.)
- 1982
Jean and Don with BG Steve Ritchie
BG Ritchie Bio
Hello and Welcome to the 435th Aerial Port Squadron, Rhein Main AB, Germany Reunion Group on-line community site.
This reunion group started in 1999 as the 435APS Reunion Group. Although we still call it the 435th APS we have expanded the field of membership to any military, civilian or dependent who were assigned to or associated with the aerial port at Rhein Main, from the beginning to present and wish to be a part of this social/reunion effort. If you are in the field of membership and haven't registered, please do so by completing the form on the "Member" page.
Some former Rhein Main aerial porters have given a great deal of time and personal funds to locate/contact alumni and to make this reunion group possible. Carole Paddock Lail set up our first Web site at, posting changes, maintaining the directory, contacting individuals who did not have email, and working on the 2002 reunion. Without her we could not have arrived at this point in organizing. Ron Ferranti volunteered to set up the permanent site you are presently viewing. Ron says the site is a work in progress so you can expect to see new things appear regularly. He also owned the domain and donated that to the cause. Chuck Ulmer has been magnificent in locating former porters from Rhein Main. Between the four of us we have found lots of alumni. But there are even more out there whom we have not yet located. Carole, Ron and Chuck are my heroes! You might drop them a personal note of thanks if you like what you see here.
We hope you enjoy this site and that you will find many friends from your Rhein Main days. But most importantly we look forward to seeing each of you at one of the reunions.
See additional Pictures from Charlie Leathers
U.S. Takes Last Step In Closing Rhein Main
(U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. Jonathan Friedman)
FRANKFURT, Germany -- Brig. Gen. Mike Snodgrass handed over the keys to Rhein-Main Air Base on December 31, 2005, to Manfred Schvlch, operator of Frankfurt International Airport.
The symbolic event, marked the last Air Force function at Rhein Main AB. The 120 buildings on base are to be bulldozed to make way for a third terminal for Frankfurt's sprawling civilian airport - continental Europe's busiest.
Rhein-Main, known as the "Gateway to Europe," was once a hub of activity for American forces facing Soviet-bloc forces and tensions in the Middle East. It saw a steady stream of planes fly supplies to West Berliners in the late 1940s during the Soviet blockade of the city.
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