Recent photo of Bob

Hi Don

Through the old MSN reunion site, I was able to find one of my best friends from Rhen-Main (Mike Smith--Mike worked in the Pax terminal). Finally got around to adding a new entry to guest book on new site today and thought about sending you these pics. I got a new scanner and sent a few pics to Mike and thought you might be interested in seeing them--feel free to use on site as you see fit. The group shot is (l-r) Terry Poovey, me, Mike Smith, John Page (John was stationed in Stuttgart--not an Aerial Porter). Don't know what ever happened to Terry. Also found a few of the old Orderly Room crew when I was there. This was the crew with Andy Hallen in charge . Also have a couple of going away pics of Kami (May 79--don't remember her husband's name) and Ray and Mary (worked as Dorm Manager, right?) First Sgt Martinez??? Not sure I remember any of the other names. One last picture is me in Berlin--a trip I took with John Savage (???-I think). Anyway--hope you enjoy them.




Bob in Berlin

Kami opening gift


Going Away for Kami


Terry Poovey

Ray and Mary


Mike Smith


Mike Worked in the Passenger Terminal


Orderly Room Group


Thanks Bob for the pictures and comments.

(visit Bob's Website at:

If you have pictures to contribute please e-mail them to us at:
























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