Recent photo of Bob
Hi Don
Through the old
MSN reunion site, I was able to find one of my best friends from
Rhen-Main (Mike Smith--Mike worked in the Pax terminal). Finally
got around to adding a new entry to guest book on new site today
and thought about sending you these pics. I got a new scanner and
sent a few pics to Mike and thought you might be interested in seeing
them--feel free to use on site as you see fit. The group shot is
(l-r) Terry Poovey, me, Mike Smith, John Page (John was stationed
in Stuttgart--not an Aerial Porter). Don't know what ever happened
to Terry. Also found a few of the old Orderly Room crew when I was
there. This was the crew with Andy Hallen in charge . Also have
a couple of going away pics of Kami (May 79--don't remember her
husband's name) and Ray and Mary (worked as Dorm Manager, right?)
First Sgt Martinez??? Not sure I remember any of the other names.
One last picture is me in Berlin--a trip I took with John Savage
(???-I think). Anyway--hope you enjoy them.