Two weeks ago the "Gateway" ran a small story dealing with the 435th Aerial Port Squadron (APS) and their mission. In that story we mentioned a few facts such as their gaining 100 new personnel in the coming year and their passenger, aircraft and baggage movement statistics. In this special double page feature we will attempt to show you some of the people who make this squadron the winner that it is. As stated in the previous story, military Airlift Command air transportation officials are saying that MAC aerial ports are a cornerstone of the Defense Department's ability to mobilize during wartime. Some officials say that the aerial ports could be a pacing factor in meeting wartime deployments. Although most Rhein-Mainers don't realize it, the 435th APS is one of the main reasons for the existence of this base. Without the responsibility for the movement of passengers and cargo destined for and departing from the European theater, many people here would be out of a job. Within MAC, the aerial port squadron is responsible for management, control and efficient operation of personnel, equipment and facilities available for accomplishment of the air terminal transportation functions. A big job you say? You bet it is, and the 435th APS uses all of its 463 assigned personnel to accomplish the mission. In addition, the unit is augmented with Air Force Reserve and TDY personnel. Currently the APS is using 50 reservists. Twenty-five are from the 89th Aerial Port Squadron Associate Reserve out of McGuire AFB, N.J., and another 25 from the 95th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron Reserve group from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our Air Passenger Terminal ranks as the largest in the military today and our air freight is second only to the air freight terminal at Dover AFB, Del. In breaking down the structure of the Aerial Port Squadron, we find that it contains three separate but interrelating branches: The Air Terminal Branch, the Combat Mobility Branch and the Traffic Management Branch. Each in turn is broken down into the various sections which run from the Airlift Coordination Center to Fleet Service to Packing and Crating. Each plays a very important role in the overall airlift mission. For instance, without the fleet Service section none of the aircraft originating, terminating or transiting at Rhein-main could be serviced. And without our Terminating Freight Section some Army personnel might never receive their baggage. The list could go on. So, as you can see, the 435th Aerial Port Squadron is playing and will continue to play a very vital role in the MAC, Air Force and Defense Department missions. Sent in by Dave Ouellette Thanks Dave for sending this article in.
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